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Datura. A VR collaboration between Bloom and Over Magazine.
These times are especially dark and we hope to inspire others to look for the beauty around them during the global COVID-19 crisis.
What is Peer Pressure?
Having no set structure, they are constantly coming up with ideas and figuring out how to make them happen.
Over Magazine #2 "Self" Fall 2019
For the Fall 2019 season of Over Magazine our editorial staff challenged our team to create work inspired by the theme of “Self”.
Obscurity & 3 am
I saw a few collage pieces at Urban Outfitters, and I wanted to try to do something like that myself. I have never used photoshop before, bu
Dsgn For Us: Community Designed Through Learning
We believe the greatest hope for ending poverty is through education.
Web Design is Hard
Working on the 0ver magazine website was a challenge for me.
Art and writing by Jackie Hernandez “Formosa in Latin means beautiful.” A lot of my work concepts on the ideas of paying less attention...
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